Privacy Policy

RESCCUE Consortium is aware of the importance of the regulations in force regarding privacy and data protection. In this sense, we care about the protection of the security, integrity, truthfulness and confidentiality of the data provided by our patients and their relatives, users, clients or providers, acting in a responsible and transparent manner.

This privacy policy (hereinafter, “the Policy”) is intended to inform you about how we collect, process and protect the personal data you provide. Likewise, we describe the purposes of the processing of personal data collected through the website (hereinafter, “the Website”), or by telephone, SMS, email or mail. Where appropriate, it will be specified whether the data can be used by third parties.

In this document we try to provide you with the simplest and clearest description possible of this Policy. We recommend that you read our Policy and contact us if you have any questions.

Our Policy does not regulate the data processing activities of other companies and organizations that advertise our services and/or products.

Privacy Policy Scope

This Policy applies to the data provided by our patients and their families, users, suppliers, people requesting information, users of the Website with whom we can relate and whose data are necessary for the development of our activity.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

Responsible for the processing of your data is:

RESCCUE Consortium

RESCCUE Consortium is formed by the following institutions:

  • Fundació Privada per la Recerca I la Docència Sant Joan de Deu (Coordinator), Spain
  • Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona, Spain
  • Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Italy
  • Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain
  • Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat, Spain


How can you contact the RESCCUE Consortium Data Protection Officer?

You can contact the data protection delegate of the RESCCUE4COVID Consortium at the following email address:

What information do we collect?

The RESCCUE Consortium only processes the adequate and relevant limited personal data with respect to the correct fulfilment of the purpose under which it was initially collected.

As an example, in case you request information we will collect your contact information (name and surname, telephone or email, among others). Also, your IP address (the number automatically assigned to the electronic device from which you access the Website) and your domain name will be processed for statistical purposes.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a certain service may require other personal data or other categories of personal data, which you will yourself incorporate into the corresponding form.

For what purpose do we process your data?

The data you provide us is processed for the following purposes:

  • To address your requests for information.
  • To manage derived administrative tasks as quality indicators.
  • To send our electronic newsletter or other information of your interest provided you have consented to it.

How long do we keep your data?

The data that you have provided will be kept until the purpose of your transfer has ended or as long as these relationships with us are prolonged, as well as during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

When will we be entitled to the processing of your data?

We are entitled and authorized to process the information you provide us (i) when such information is necessary for the sending of the requested information; (ii) for the management of the Website (and its associated services); and (iii) for the fulfilment of mandatory legal obligations arising from the law of the European Union or of the member states.

The RESCCUE Consortium will take the necessary actions to ensure that the personal data that it collects, stores and processes is used in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner, complying with the obligations that result from the legal system applicable for its activity. In particular, the RESCCUE Consortium has established all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data that you would have provided through the Website.

Likewise, and if you expressly consent, we will be entitled to use your data in order to inform you of services, circulars or campaigns that we consider may be of your interest taking into account the services and treatments previously reported. In any case, you can oppose such use at any time.

Apart from the previous cases, before processing your data we will always seek your consent. The consent will be the manifestation of free, specific, informed and unequivocal will. You have the right to revoke the given consent without retroactive nature for any purpose and at any time.

Who do we communicate your data to?

Your data will be communicated to the official public bodies and private entities that, due to legal obligation or operational need, must access the data for the purposes of the proper execution of our activities and the other purposes mentioned above.

Apart from the previous cases, before transferring your personal data to another private entity we would previously inform you and request your consent.

What rights protect you in relation to the processing of your data?

You have the right to obtain information about the processing of your data that we carry out in the RESCCUE Consortium. Specifically:

  • You have the rights to access your personal data to know what we are dealing with, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that it was collected for.
  • In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. The RESCCUE Consortium will stop processing your data, unless compelling legitimate reasons or virtue of the exercise of legal defense actions concur.
  • You will have the rights to portability, that is to say, that the personal data that you have provided is transmitted directly to another person in charge in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading, when technically possible.
  • You have the rights not to be the subject of a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data.

You can exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an email to the email address

We will respond to your requests as soon as possible and, latest within one (1) month of receiving your request. In certain circumstances, this period may be extended for another two (2) months, in which case we will inform you in a timely manner within one (1) month from the receipt of your request.

If you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the data protection regulations, or if you believe that we have not satisfied the exercise of your rights, you can file a complaint with the competent control authority according to your place of residence. In this sense, you can consult the different control authorities on the website of the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

In any case, before initiating any claim, please contact us by email ( in order to try to resolve the discrepancy in a friendly manner.

Do you have the right to withdraw your consent?

Yes, at any time you can withdraw your consent for the processing of your data for one or more of the purposes indicated above and for which you have given your consent. You can exercise this right by contacting us:

RESCCUE Consortium


Is it possible to modify this Privacy Policy?

RESCCUE Consortium reserves the rights to modify this Policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments and to respond to organizational and health sector changes. We will not limit the rights that apply to you in accordance with this Privacy Policy nor will we make substantial modifications to it without prior notification. We will publish all the modifications of the Policy on this page and, if they are significant, we will make a more outstanding notification (for example, we would send you an email notification if the modification affected certain aspects and in exceptional cases we would request your consent again).

Date of the last update: 25/05/2023