Legal Notice

This website is maintained to keep the public informed about the activities of the RESCCUE Consortium. We strive to keep the information and material on this website updated and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

However, the RESCCUE Consortium partners make no warranties or representations of any kind as to the content’s accuracy, currency or completeness, neither will the RESCCUE Consortium partners nor any individual party involved in creating, producing or delivering this website be liable for any damages (including without limitation, direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages), arising from access to this website, its use or the inability to use it, as well as from any errors or omissions in the content thereof. ,

In order to give the public additional information about our project, the information provided on this website is sometimes linked to external websites of which the RESCCUE Consortium partners have no control and for which the RESCCUE Consortium partners assume no responsibility, with an exception of the linked websites of the RESCCUE Consortium partners. Once you visit an external website you are subject to the policies of that website. The RESCCUE Consortium partners do not intend to directly or indirectly advertise or market any products or other items mentioned on external websites. We do not permit to be linked to any third party website without our prior written consent.

The RESCCUE Consortium and the RESCCUE Consortium partners’ names, logos and all related trademarks, trade names, and other intellectual property rights are the property of the RESCCUE Consortium partners and cannot be used, copied or distributed in any way without prior written permission of the concerned RESCCUE Consortium partner.

This legal notice may change when necessary. The updated version will be made available on this website.

Legal Notice Objective

According to Article 10 of Law 34/2002 from July 11th 2002, of the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the user is informed that the owner of the website is the RESCCUE Consortium, defined through Grant Agreement No. 856677 and the Consortium Agreement among all partners of the Consortium.

RESCCUE Consortium member list:

– Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona (Coordinator), Spain
– Fundació Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona, Spain
– Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC, Spain
– Ajuntament de Cornellà, Spain
– Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Italy

For any contact write to:

Any person accessing this website assumes the role of a user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the regulations set forth herein, as well as any other legal regulations that may apply.

The website administrator reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to notify or inform the users.

Third party trust and code of conduct

The website administrator is adhered to the regulations of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) framework programme of the European Commission.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

The website administrator disclaims any liability arising from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party.

From the client’s website it is possible to be redirected to the contents of third party websites. Since the website administrator cannot always control the contents introduced by third parties on their websites, the latter does not assume any responsibility for these contents. The website administrator declares that he will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content and redirections from the website that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, as well as to immediate informing of the competent authorities about the questionable content.

The website administrator is not responsible for the stored information and contents, , for example in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently of the website.. In compliance with the regulations of Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the website administrator is available to all users, authorities and security forces, and will actively collaborate in the withdrawal or blocking of all contents that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morals and public order. If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, we kindly ask for immediate notification of the website administrator.


This website aims to facilitate knowledge of the activities carried out by the RESCCUE consortium. RESCCUE reserves the rights to make modifications to the contents and presentation of its website, at any time and without prior notice..

The information contained in this website is informative and in no case is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the content published on this website, either as fixed content or as comments from the web admin team, is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a second medical opinion. RESCCUE, therefore, will not assume any responsibility for the improper use of the contents of its website.


The website administrator makes links available to users to facilitate the search and access to information, services and other relevant content available on the Internet. The links enabled on this website may lead the user to other places and webpages managed by third parties, of which the website administrator does not exercise any control.

The website administrator assumes no duty to monitor or verify the information or content of the other websites that can be accessed through the hyperlinks existing therein. However, it exclusively assumes the duty to remove from the website, as soon as possible, information, content or services that do not correspond to reality, or may mislead or cause harm to the user.

Intellectual and industrial property

All exploitation rights are reserved. This website is governed by Spanish laws, and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

Regardless of the purpose for which it is intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution or commercialization of the website content, requires prior written authorization from the RESCCUE Consortium, responsible for the website. Any use not previously authorized by the RESCCUE Consortium will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the author.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics outside the provider which may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them.

The RESCCUE website administrator recognizes and acknowledges the intellectual or industrial property to their rightful owners of any content published on the Website. By mentioning or publishing such content on the Website we do not have any rights or responsibilities over it, nor does it imply that RESCCUE supports, sponsors or recommends it in any way.
The website administrator also expresses his gratitude to the Internet sources from which images illustrating the contents of the website have been obtained, and which have been referenced whenever possible.

The user of the website must in any case refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed on it.

To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights on the website, please do so through the following email:

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, Spanish legislation will be applied, to which the parties expressly submit. This legislation, used by the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain), is the competent one for the resolution of all derived conflicts or related issues.

Date of the last update: 25/05/2023